ScaleSmart Framework Business tools for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success
Business tools for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success

5 signs you are ready to level up your business

Want to grow your business this year? Use the list below and do a quick double check to make sure you are ready to step into a new level of business ownership!

As a business owner, you also need to be on point with the following skills:

  1. Delegation – you cannot be a bottleneck and grow.
  2. Able to pivot – that means walking away from $ spent or new business opportunities that will devalue your business
  3. Organize around value – Prioritizing the best value for your energy as well as the financial return
  4. Transparent – Different than communication, transparency opens the doors for better understanding. As you grow your team, ensuring everything is documented, you are working from a single source of truth and understanding how your team learns and understands is as important as being an effective communicator.
  5. Collaborative Planning – as your business grows, you will hire people for their expertise. To scale, you will need to engage them and plug their energy into your planning cycle.

If you have all five, you are ready for the next level – grab your team and get ready for a fantastic climb! Want to know more about each component? Grab the free guide.

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