ScaleSmart Framework Business tools for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success
Business tools for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success

5 signs your business is ready to scale

Want to grow your business this year? As you set your goals and think through your options, check out the list below and make sure you have the five critical growth components in place.

  1. A documented North Star – this includes a Vision, Mission, and quantifiable goals
  2. Product clarity. For each product you offer, you need a clear business value, to understand total cost of ownership and to demonstrate alignment to your goals – If someone were going to buy that part of the business from you, what would it change about your business income stream and your resource needs?
  3. Marketing Strategy that is focused on the client journey. How do you go from new connection to testimonial? If you have multiple products, is the journey the same or different?
  4. Roadmaps for growth. How are you improving the value you provide through your existing products or bringing new products to life?
  5. Asset Inventory – Your asset inventory should include your technology tools (tech stack), content you have created, standard operating procedures and, most importantly, your team members and their amazing strengths

If you have all five, you are ready for the next level – grab your team and get ready for a fantastic climb! Want to know more about each component? Grab the free guide.

Want to be sure YOU are ready to lead a next level business? Watch for our next post to find out what YOU need to be ready to hit the next level!

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